The Oliver Gang, Inc.


1: The Organization shall be called THE OLIVER GANG, INC.
2: The membership shall elect nine (9) Directors who then will elect the four (4) Officers consisting of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer from the nine (9) Directors. All Directors shall be current members. Only one person per household may serve as a Director or Officer at any given time.
3: Active members, which includes spouse, must have a current membership to vote on all association matters.
4: Membership shall be for one year beginning January 1 and to end December 31 of the same year. Dues shall be established by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. Membership includes a subscription to the newsletter.
5: A minimum of three (3) membership meetings shall be conducted per year. Meetings are to be conducted at Oliver Gang Spring Fling, Oliver Gang Summer show and Oliver Gang Plow day.
6: A minimum of three (3) meetings of the Officers and Directors per year shall be conducted separate from the membership meeting.
7: A quorum of three (3) Officers and ten (10) members must be present before a membership meeting can be held. A ten (10) day minimum prior notice must be given for this meeting.
8: A quorum of two (2) Officers and three (3) Directors must be present before a Directors and Officers meeting can be held. A five (5) day minimum prior notice must be given for this meeting.
9: The names of each member and Officers present at a meeting must be recorded for the meeting in attendance.
10: The offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be for one (1) year. Directors shall be elected in groups of 3, 3, and 3 and will serve a three (3) year term. No Director shall serve in one office for more than two (2) consecutive terms. Elections will be held at Spring Fling and new Directors and Officers shall assume office upon election.

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